Click Funnels Review

Click Funnels Review

Name: Click Funnels
Price: Free 14 Day Trial.  After that, $99.00 per month for Standard Membership, $297.00 per month for Etison Membership
Owners: Russell Brunson
Overall Rank: 98/100
Who Click Funnels Is For: Beginner to Expert – Anyone who wants to start or grow any business online

Introduction to Click Funnels:

If you have been wondering, “What is Click Funnels?” Then you are definitely in the right place! 

Click Funnels is a software program for anyone who has ever spent hours and hours building sales funnels online. It is also a software product for anyone who has ever spent hundreds (or even thousands) of dollars paying someone else to build a sales funnel online. Likewise, it is for anyone who would like to LEARN how to build a sales funnel online.

The Founder of Click Funnels is Russell Brunson and the software was built and created by Developer Todd Dickerson and Designer Dylan Jones, who did an amazing job of putting together a drag and drop, easy to build, page-by-page entire sales funnel system.

This system includes a Smart Autoresponder called Actionetics and an Affiliate Membership area called Backpack (with the Etison membership.) Russell Brunson and Click Funnels are recommended by Jim Edwards, Tony Robbins, Robert Kiyosaki, Daegan Smith and countless of other clients who have utilized its benefits.

So, what is a sales funnel, exactly? A sales funnel is a series of mini-sites, each with its own specific function and all extremely important for the growth of any business. If you have ever purchased anything online, then it is likely that you have actually been through a sales funnel and possibly never even realized it.

A sales funnel typically starts with a landing (or opt-in or squeeze) page that collects names and email addresses, bridge pages, one-time offer (or upsell) pages, downsell pages, order forms, webinar registration, webinars and thank you pages. Each sales funnel is designed to perform specific functions and each funnel has the corresponding pages and scripts to fulfill those functions.

What You Will Learn:

What you will learn at Click Funnels is how to construct a sales funnel specifically to whatever it is that you are trying to accomplish. There are many different types of sales funnels, so the question to ask yourself at this point is this, “What is your goal?”

If your goal is to get people to join your list, then you would want to create a simple opt-in sales funnel. This is the easiest type of sales funnel to create because it consists of only two pages. First, you would need a landing page (or squeeze page, or lead capture page, or lead magnet page.) A squeeze page is a web page that you have likely seen at some point before.

Here, you will find a brief headline, sub-headline, a few bullets and possibly a video where you offer to give something to someone in exchange for their email address. At that point, they will go to the free offer that you promised, with instructions on how to get that product, and possibly instructions to opt-in to your email list.  This is when you will thank them (of course) for joining your list.

If you are trying to get them to purchase something, you can show them a sales page, which goes into far more detail about the benefits and features of whatever it is that you have to offer. The goal is (of course) to offer them something of value to purchase.

Depending on the goal that you are trying to accomplish, you may also offer your prospects upsells, which are complementary products that may enhance their buying experience, further solve the problem or give them more options and benefits. This is also another opportunity for you, the marketer to earn extra income and recoup expenses. You will learn how the initial goal of creating a sales funnel is to recover your advertising expenses.

At that point, you will learn to get them set up on an auto-responder (or email list) where you will begin to establish a relationship (and trust) with your prospects and have several chances to better explain all of the benefits and features of your product or services. Once you get people on your list, you now “own” the traffic and can email them at any time. Anything that you sell them from that point forward is pure profit.

What You Will Find Inside of Click Funnels:

  • Opt-In Funnels, complete with templates.
  • Sales Funnels
  • Network Marketing Funnels
  • Product Launch Funnels
  • Perfect Webinar Funnels
  • Membership Funnels and ability to host membership sites
  • Ability to turn your site into an affiliate program for others to promote (Etison Membership Only – Backpack)
  • Sections, Rows, Columns, and Elements to Customize Your Funnels
  • High Paying Affiliate Program with Continuity (Residual) Potential
  • Ability to edit and customize all funnels in any way that you see fit.
  • Step-by-Step Training Videos
  • Live Chat support 24/7
  • Ability to try for free for 14 days
  • Professional animation features
  • Ability to add countdown clocks and pop-up “Buy Now” buttons
  • Auto-responder system that will not increase in the site as you gain subscribers (Etison Membership Only – Actionetics)
  • A help library complete with step-by-step diagrams and videos
  • Ability to integrate your own auto-responders (AWeber, etc.) and merchant payment (Stripe, Infusionsoft, etc.) accounts
  • Ability to customize your own domain name or add to subdomains of existing sites
  • A library of high-quality products to promote
  • Extensive affiliate training and tools
  • Ability to save and share funnel templates
  • Ability to integrate videos into sales funnels
  • A library of stock photos that can be used in your sales funnels
  • A library of background photos and colors for your sales funnels
  • Ability to upload and add your own photos and logos
  • Free Book giveaway promotions available for you to market
  • Sticky cookie affiliate tracking

As you will learn inside of Click Funnels, there are many different kinds of sales funnels that have been tested and proven to work best for your business. For example, if you are in a Network Marketing business, there are sales funnels for that. If you are promoting affiliate products (someone else’s products), there are sales funnels for that.

If you are promoting your own products, there are not only sales funnels for that, but also membership sites. And finally, if you are launching a new product or want your prospects to watch a webinar, there are additional funnels for that.

And finally, there are Webinar and Automated Funnels available as well. With a simple “point and click” software, you can drag and drop the elements into your funnel to suit your needs. If you want to move them around, all you have to do is grab the element and move it to where you want it to be.

At the Etison level, you can take your business even further by establishing an affiliate membership site where other marketers can get paid a commission to promote your product for you.

The Etison level also has its own “Smart” autoresponder program that you can set up, which can give you a profile on each one of your leads giving you more information about them, as well as the ability to move your leads from one email list to another, based on their purchasing behavior.

Once your list grows to a much larger number of people, this is when the Etison membership really shines.  The reason for this is because it allows you to grow your list without all of the additional costs that other autoresponder companies will charge you, per subscriber. You will learn all of this and much, much more inside of your Click Funnels membership.

Why Click Funnels Is The Smart Thing To Do

The answer to this is extremely obvious to anyone (like myself) who has spent countless hours that have led into weeks and sometimes even months trying to create their own sales funnels. It is also obvious to anyone who has ever hired a designer and spent hundreds, or even thousands of dollars, to have someone else design sales funnels for you.

Whether you are doing free, SEO and social media advertising (which can take many, many hours, weeks and months to build) or you are paying for advertising (which can sometimes be a gamble), sales funnels are absolutely CRITICAL if you are seriously trying to establish a business online for the long term.

Sales funnels have all kinds of benefits that can help anyone grow a business online. It doesn’t matter if you have an affiliate business, a network marketing business, a service business or a brick and mortar business, what you want to happen is to target your market as closely as possible and get them on your email list.  

Targeting your audience with specific landing pages gives you the unique ability to take a specific feature or benefit and put it in front of EXACTLY who is looking for it. But more than that, you want to get them on your own email list so that you can follow up on those people again and again.

The ultimate goal of an email list is for you to “own” your own traffic, rather than the leads going to the affiliate vendor only. This gives you (rather than just the vendor) the opportunity to sell to them over and over again for no additional cost, making your business much, much more valuable.

Because think about that for a minute; if you already own the list, then you can then present them with multiple offers simply by sending them an email leading them to another product and it costs you absolutely NOTHING to do this.

That is the ultimate goal of Click Funnels and should be the ultimate goal of the business you are trying to grow and build online. What you don’t want is random “hit or miss” traffic coming to your offer and then leaving. What you DO want is to have the opportunity to build a relationship with prospects who may not be in the market today, but may be in the market to buy from you tomorrow.

Pros: What I Love About Click Funnels:

What I love about Click Funnels is absolutely EVERYTHING!  Click Funnels is a phenomenal tool that can help you to create elaborate and professional sales funnels that position you to be the expert in your field.

  • Learn how to use point and click, easy to use software to create professional looking landing pages, sales pages, opt-in pages, thank you pages and “add to cart” pages.
  • Learn how to set up your own domain name and hook that name to your landing pages and sales pages as you see fit.
  • Learn how to save hundreds of hours and several weeks or months trying to set it all up by yourself.
  • Learn how you can save literally thousands of dollars paying someone else to set it all up for you.
  • Learn how to incorporate a whole lot of cool elements into your landing pages and sales pages, such as video, images, bullets, testimonials and much more.
  • Learn how you can test and track every single page that you create.
  • Learn how to split test your pages, figure out which headlines work best, which videos work best, which sub-headlines work best and even which “add to cart” or “opt-in” buttons work best.
  • Learn how to set up auto-responders that will be effective and have people anticipating what you have to say next and looking forward to your emails.
  • Learn how to take several weeks of work and put it together in 15 minutes.
  • Learn how to save thousands of dollars by doing it all yourself.
  • Learn how you can increase sales to your business!!!!!
  • Learn how and where to capture responsive leads who are looking for what you have to offer!
  • Learn many different strategies to get people into the back door of your business.



  • There is a bit of a learning curve. You do need to learn how the software works and build a few funnels before you really get the hang of it. But once you learn how to use it, the sky is the limit.


What Is Click Funnels:

Click Funnels itself is a software program where you can point and click, drag and drop elements to an opt-in page, sales page, membership page, thank you page and order page that you could ever imagine.

In addition to that, you will receive tons of additional value in the form of videos and emails that will help you understand the right strategies to implement into your specific business model, based on what you are trying to accomplish.

Who Click Funnels Is For:

Click Funnels is for anyone who would seriously like to learn how to build a business online. Even if you are just looking for one-time sales, Click Funnels can help you by giving you the fastest and easiest way to grab people’s attention and get them to pay attention to whatever you have to offer.

Click Funnels gives you the ability to be as creative as you would like, with the ability to change the content to suit your needs. But if you are trying to build a serious business online, revolving around a specific niche (audience), then Click Funnels will definitely take you to the next level.

By this, I mean that you can begin collecting and growing a list of people who are responsive to what you have to offer and they will teach you how to get people to eagerly look forward to your next offer.

Click Funnels Tools, Training & Support:

Russell Brunson has step-by-step videos in each one of your page templates inside of Click Funnels that will walk you through each step of the process. They also have a help section with many recorded videos and diagrams to show you how to accomplish the goal at hand.

There is also a live chat on their site, where you can reach someone right away and ask them to help guide you through specific parts of the process. They also have support tickets and a phone number that you can call.


The benefits of Click Funnels are thousand-fold. Actually, the sky is the limit when it comes to the benefits that you can receive from using Click Funnels.

  • Grab people’s attention, so that they will pay attention to your business, your offer.
  • Take any and every type of business to the next level in actual SALES and production.
  • This is not about getting likes or building a following on social media. This is about getting people to actually pull out their credit cards and BUY something from you.
  • Explode sale to your business through professional looking sites that you can create yourself in a matter of 15 minutes, once you get past the learning curve of how to use the software.
  • Target people specifically to each and every individual feature and benefit that your company has to offer.
  • Easily drag and drop videos, headlines, testimonials and much more.


What Is Required:

The only thing that is required of you is to get through the learning curve of how to use this software. And even then, if you own a company with employees, you can designate an employee to learn it and do it for you. You will receive lots of ideas about how to drive traffic to your site, most of it paid but also effective advertising.

There is much training on how to test small and track your results. To drive free blog and social media traffic, you would want to learn how to create a blog the right way and optimize it for search engines. Once the learning curve has been accomplished, you can begin creating endless sales funnels, each one specific to your individual benefits, features, services or products that your business has to offer. Then choose the best methods for you and your business to drive website traffic to your site.


Free 14 day Trial. After that, you can choose if you want the $99.00 per month standard membership or the $297.00 per month elite, Etison membership. The Etison membership is highly recommended to people who have or anticipate growing a very large list.

The reason for that is because, compared to other autoresponders out there, it can save you thousands of dollars a month. Other autoresponders continuously raise their rates as your list grows. The Etison membership of Click Funnels does not do that.

For smaller companies or companies just getting started, the standard membership would be sufficient until your list grows to higher dollar (per autoresponder company) list levels. You do have the ability to upload lists into Actionetics (Click Funnels Autoresponder System) any time you get ready.

Watch Below How To Build Opt-In Funnels And Landing Pages In Click Funnels:


My Final Opinion:

I personally am not one who has spent thousands of dollars on sales letters in the past. I have, however, spent hundreds of hours and countless weeks and months building these sites online myself. Because of this, I was completely shocked when I got inside of Click Funnels and realized how hard it had been for me all of those years and how easy they have made it.

If I had been one to spend thousands of dollars to pay someone else to do it for me, I would have likely been equally shocked by how much money I could save, using Click Funnels. Either way, Click Funnels is a win-win for anyone who would like to woo and whoa their prospects with beautiful, professional landing pages and sales pages. It is also a win-win for anyone who wants to build a large email list online of traffic that they can own forever and sell to over and over again.

Would I recommend Click Funnels to other businesses online? Absolutely!! I do not hesitate for an inkling of a second to tell people to not walk but RUN to Click Funnels if they are serious about building and growing their business and sales revenue.

In the past, I have used Lead Pages and ended up canceling it because I decided that I could build those pages myself. But this time? No, I cannot duplicate all of the beautiful and professional options that Click Funnels has to offer.

They have SO many more cool features to offer and they have made the process SO easy. They have really outdone themselves on this one. If you would like to check out Click Funnels, click here to get your Free DotComSecrets book now!

Short View:

Name: Click Funnels Review
Price: Free 14 Day Trial.  After that, $99.00 per month for Standard Membership, $297.00 per month for Etison Membership
Owners: Russell Brunson
Overall Rank: 98/100
Who Click Funnels Is For: Beginner to Expert – Anyone who wants to start or grow any business online




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